How Much Is A Wrongful Termination Lawsuit Worth In California?

How Much Is A Wrongful Termination Lawsuit Worth In California?

By Corey Hanrahan

How much is a wrongful termination lawsuit worth in California? It depends. There are numerous factors that to into valuing any lawsuit, including wrongful termination lawsuits. However, of all the factors, the two main factors that go into valuing a wrongful termination lawsuit are: (1) strength of liability, and (2) measure of damages. 

“…two main factors that go into valuing a wrongful termination lawsuit are: (1) strength of liability, and (2) measure of damages

Not all wrongful termination lawsuits are made equally. Some cases have stronger evidence than others, and some cases have higher damages. In large part, the more evidence you have, especially documents, the stronger the liability in your case will be – which, in turn, generally increases the value of the case. But in addition to the strength of liability, the value of a wrongful termination case is likewise determined by the damages that you have suffered. 

For example, you could have a very strong liability case, but maybe your damages are lower. All employees who are terminated have a legal duty to mitigate their damages (which means, you have a duty to go out and find a new comparable job). If you do a good job of that, you may only have a short period of lost wages. Noneconomic damages, like emotional distress, also factor into your damages, though. 

Valuing any employment case, especially wrongful termination lawsuits, can be a complex task. You are best to make sure you have a skilled and knowledgeable employment attorney in your corner to make sure you do not leave any money on the table. If you have been wrongfully terminated from your job, Attorney Corey Hanrahan is here to help. Contact The Hanrahan Firm for a free consultation. 


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